Natural language is the most intuitive way for humans to communicate, yet Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most challenging problems that Artificial Intelligence (AI) faces. Stopping the bias and variance that usually occur in the process, and helping make NLP accessible, is where OneAI steps in.
OneAI is a plug-and-play, AI NLP platform, that provides product-ready language capabilities that can be incorporated into any product, by any developer, seamlessly and easily. 
Developers are a unique target audience. My main challenge in the branding process, was to create a unique look & feel that developers could relate to, and that would stimulate an immediate, playful response and interaction with the product. I researched their tastes, work habits, and go-to softwares, to try to create an intriguing visual language and an intuitive product that developers would want to engage in.

The concept was to design "NLP building blocks" by using basic shapes and colors that can be incorporated into the brand's logo and the product's language skills icons. The dark background, the monospace font, and even the non-use of standard imagery and buttons, were all implemented to simulate a "developer workspace".
The language skills act as building blocks of OneAI's product. Bulky, colorful icons were designed for each skill, resonating to the real wooden building blocks of the popular children's toy. Each skill page, incorporates a mini-studio that can be used by developers to try out the various language skills, separately or combined with additional skills. 
After testing developers' responses to the design, it was safe to say: the result comprises a fun, accessible and intuitive language tool that developers love to use.
Created during my work at Pearlcom